had my repeat brain MRI last week... My Radiation Onc was happy with the results... She said there was vast improvement and the results should get even better over the next 2 mos (there were still small spots, but no big ones) ... Max "effect" would be in 8 weeks... So I'll have a repeat MRI scan end of Jan ... And I'm still working on titrating those PO meds.... I'm up to 4tabs a day (5 is the goal). It's a targeted chemo therapy that crosses the blood- brain barrier called Tykerb (but it's giving me bad diarrhea and I have no appetite) .. Oh and can't forget the extreme exhaustion, I just want to lay around- and I have no energy to do anything.
With the Christmas Season upon us, it makes the fatigue especially difficult- but no worries, thank God for Amazon! The puppy, Tucker, has adjusted well and is already part of the family (okay not house trained yet but making progress:)
So my lazy self is plugging along, grateful for all your love and prayers and looking forward to the Holidays.
All my love,