I had my appt with Dr. Fellin last week along with my
treatment of IV Hercepton and Zometa. All went well. We are working on getting
an acceptable dose and schedule of the PO chemo drugs (Xeloda and Tykerb) as
they are giving me awful watery diarrhea (and other SE like fatigue, swollen/
painful cuticles, dryness). They are known for the diarrhea so Dr. Fellin is
working on a tolerable does for me. See, the diarrhea shows that something is
working, and my headaches went way, so we are going to really try and find an
acceptable dose for my body. We have to weigh pros and cons and find an
acceptable, livable treatment option. I’ll restart Xeloda too but not for 2
weeks .
The upside to all this is with having breaks with the meds,
where I have some good days feeling myself (well except for the fatigue). I’m
having my repeat Brain MRI 11/24 and an echo (since Hercepton can cause Heart
issues); I have it checked every 4 months), and a couple of Doctor visits for
check ups! Still just taking it one day at a time and living in the moment.
This last health bump in the road was the hardest yet-
probably because I didn’t feel myself; I was unsteady, tired, apathetic and
just wanted to sleep. Oh and ravenously hungry (from the high dose of steroids
I was on). I gained 10+ lbs! Half came off with the diarrhea so I guess it was
good that I gobbled down so much! The meals many of you brought me were so
delicious and I ate everything!
I’m finding it harder to “get back to normal” as I’m so
tired most of the time. I do push myself to get up and just push through it.
I’m taking walks and practicing my yoga. It reminds me of that quote “No matter
how you feeling, get up, dress up, and show up.” I guess sage advice for all of
us! The puppy is helping. He is full of energy and unconditional love. He had
settled into the family so well!
I came across a quote by John Wayne (of all people!) “Courage
is being scared to death and saddling up anyway” … So I hope you saddle up and
I’ll join you on this wild ride!
So I’m soldiering on, still feeling humbled by your generosity,
support, and love...